Friday, October 4, 2013

Linsey= cluts/crip

I swear I am the biggest cluts here at Virginia Tech. I have lost count of how many times I have almost busted my face on this campus. It is really starting to get annoying!! It might just be me but I all of the sidewalks are a little off and the blocks are uneven and it is causing me to trip all the time!!! Also, its causing my cursing vocabulary to increase. Ha

I'm venting about that specific subject but it just happened to me AGAIN as I was entering my dorm building!!! haha

The most eventful that happened to me this week was Wednesday night I had a flag football game and I  was playing linebacker and I was doing really really good! Within our game I collected 10 sacs (which is when you take the quarterbacks flag before they have the chance to throw the ball) well about halfway through the game I dove after the quarterback and took her flag, and landed straight down on my hand. When I got up the tip of my finger was swelling up and there was a little hole where my knuckle is. I thought that I had just jammed my finger because it did hurt when I got up and I jam my fingers all the time playing volleyball. So, I yanked on my finger to "unjam" it and when I did it popped and instantly felt a little better. I was like yayyy I fixed it, so I continued to play the rest of the game. When the game was over I noticed that my finger was twice the size as all my other ones and the whole back side of my finger was turning black. Schiffert Health center was closed so there wasn't anything I could do about it then. I just wrapped it up and went to the J Cole concert anyways. (Did any of y'all go to the concert?) The next day, I went and got it checked out, turns out that I broke and dislocated my finger. During the game when I pulled on it and heard that pop, that was the sound of me putting my finger back in place. Pretty badass. And the doctor said that the reason there is an abnormal amount of bruising is because I must have busted a blood vessel when I put my finger back. If you look at my finger right now the back of it and the tip is completely black/purple/green. Looks pretty nasty.

P.S. We won our football game and it is our first victory of the season!!! Whoop Whoop!!


  1. It must be painful. I hope your finger is better now, and be careful next time. :)

  2. Im glad you won the game after such a painful injury! I wish I could play flag football.

  3. what is your email? i need to send you my essay
