Friday, October 25, 2013


I was really curious if y'all celebrated halloween in China or if there was a similar holiday that you celebrated?

Well halloween is one of my favorite holidays it allows you to dress up all crazy and look completely ridiculous for a whole day and it is completely acceptable. Every year when I am home my brother, mom and I would take my little sister out to go tricker treating to all the neighboring houses and to a few subdivisions that are nearby. It was always a great bonding experience for our family because Zach and I were trying to take Zoe to as many houses as possible because we knew if she got a lot of candy she would share with us. My mom would be strategically plan out where we would go and what houses we were going to hit up that gave out the best halloween candy. It was always a great time and I'm kinda bummed that I am going to miss taking her out for the next couple of years.

This year for halloween I am dressing up like a minion from the movie despicable me. It will be me my roommate and the girl that lives across the hall from me. Im super excited :)

Have fun tomorrow at the football game and be safe this weekend!!


  1. We didn't celebrate Halloween in China, but we have four similar ancient holidays. We call them Ghost Holidays. They are in March, April, July, and October of the lunar year. They are all related to some ancient legend stories or Buddhism.

  2. Halloween hasn't been my favorite holiday these past few years, but Im getting a feeling ill be enjoying it throughout the next 4 years. I really want to be Scary Spice from the spice girls movie.
