Friday, September 27, 2013

Exams Suck

So I just want to apologize for missing my last blog, honestly I just completely forgot and had a ton of other homework to do. The past 2 weeks have possible been the most stressful weeks of my life I have not been to bed before 3 for about 2 weeks. All of my hard classes decided to have their exams all in the same week and it has been brutal. I's so excited to catch up on some sleep this weekend!! And to top it all off I studied for hours upon hours and still did not do good on my exams. I must have been nervous or something, but its kinda a bummer when you put so much effort into something to get a bad outcome.
But enough complaining...
I don't know if all of you watched the game last night but we WON!! Yayyy GO HOKIES!! I had a great time last night, a bunch of girls in my hall came into my room and we all laid on the floor with ton of pillows and blankets and ate popcorn and just talked while watching the game. It was nice to finally relax and not think about school for a little while.
I hope you all have a great weekend and be safe!
See you monday! :)

1 comment:

  1. It's completely understandable I had 3 exams last week! I thought I was going to die of exhaustion. But I didn't haha! And yes I watched the game while I was also watching the season premier of Grey's Anatomy!
